Our first day out we took to the streets of Woodstock center looking for lunch. There was a 30 minute wait at our first choice so we headed across the street to Mountain Creamery. It had a very 70’s diner/kitchen feel which didn’t feel like it’d get an A from the board of health but we weren’t looking for fine dining, just something to keep us going. A greasy spoon would do just fine.
The group covered the menu pretty well: Grilled Cheese, Roast Beef, Turkey Dinner Sandwich. No fries at the place, just chips, slaw, or potato salad. Everything was priced exorbitantly from $9-12 for a sandwich, $6+ for a milkshake. It must have been the biggest dive of a tourist trap I’ve ever seen.
The food was fine but for $12 I might have expected a hot sandwich, some fries, and maybe a waitress that filled up the water glasses. Meh. Avoid it if you can.
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